Video Transcript: A question that comes up a lot is, "which to you recommend, a three or four blade propeller?"
First, three blade propellers are much more common than four blades. In the past, the rule was that 3 blade propellers were fast and 4 blades were slow. Today, that still holds true, but with the additional surface area afforded by the fourth blade, it may increase lift and water displacement, while improving fuel efficiency.
Three blade propellers provide greater top-end speed and are less expensive, whereas 4 blade propellers can provide better acceleration and thrust, which help get the boat to plane and keep it there at lower speeds.
With four blade propellers, you may gain bottom and mid-range performance while sacrificing top-end. Also, you may consider a four blade propeller if you're having problems with blow-outs, ventilation or cavitation.
When switching from a three to four blade propeller, you'll want to go down at least two pitches to offset the increased drag caused by the additional blade.
See your owners manual to ensure you stay in the engine's recommended wide open throttle RPM range. As always, we recommend consulting your marine dealer with any questions.
So remember, 3 blade propellers typically have a higher top-end speed and are less expensive, whereas 4 blade propellers can improve hole-shot, load carrying and fuel economy.
Thank you.
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